AdHash and DataChain Labs merge to form Novum

AdHash and DataChain Labs merge to form Novum

AdHash and DataChain Labs merge to form Novum

We are thrilled to announce a significant milestone in our journey to redefining the advertising landscape: the merger of AdHash and DataChain Labs, culminating in the birth of Novum.

Moreover, we are delighted to welcome Kevin Gentzel as our President and Chief Operating Officer, bringing decades of industry leadership and revenue expertise.

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This merger marks a strategic alliance, combining AdHash's cutting-edge advertising technology with DataChain Labs commercial expertise and capital. This reaffirms our commitment to staying ahead of the curve and delivering state-of-the-art solutions that drive results and foster meaningful connections between brands and audiences. Together, as Novum, we will continue to push boundaries, innovate relentlessly, and shape the future of advertising.

Our new name "Novum", derived from the Latin word "novel", signals our collective dedication to forging a new path forward, one that challenges conventional norms and embraces a novel approach. It underscores our commitment to pioneering a new era in advertising, marked by transparency, trust, and efficiency.

We are also delighted to welcome Kevin Gentzel as our President and Chief Operating Officer. With decades of industry leadership and unparalleled revenue expertise, Kevin brings a wealth of knowledge and a proven track record of driving success. Kevin was previously the Global Chief Commercial and Growth Officer at Newsweek, where he oversaw commercial operations and led digital strategy for the venerable news brand. Prior to Newsweek, Kevin served as Chief Revenue Officer at Gannett, where he led advertising and marketing solutions revenue across North America, managing over $1 billion in revenue. As the former head of advertising sales for North America at Yahoo, Kevin Gentzel was responsible for new revenue streams and strategic sales initiatives. He later served as CRO at The Washington Post, where he launched the TWP Brand Studio and drove substantial revenue across multiple channels, and at Forbes Media, where he led innovative advertising products and built a top-tier sales leadership team, shaping the company's future before and during pivotal transitions. Kevin's strategic vision and unwavering commitment to excellence will undoubtedly propel Novum to new heights.

As we embark on this transformative journey together, we remain steadfast in our dedication to delivering unparalleled value to our clients and partners. Novum represents the next chapter in our evolution, and we couldn't be more excited about the possibilities that lie ahead. Stay tuned for more updates and exciting developments from Novum!

Advertising. Reinvented.

Advertising. Reinvented.


No ad tech middlemen.
No third-party dependencies.
100% accurate first-party data.

Advertising is broken

Advertisers lose $84B in ad fraud every year.[1]

Publishers lose 70% of revenue in ad tech tax.[2]

Users lose up to 80% of their data plans on ads.[3]

how we
fix it:
  Of every $1 spent on ads, Of every $1 spent on ads, of every $1 spent on ads
are lost on middlemen.  
Novum cuts out the ad tech middlemen to bring efficiency, trust, and privacy.
We make transparency the default state of digital advertising.

For advertisers

100% accurate data.
That you own.

First-party data are your most valuable proprietary asset. This is why we think you should own it.

For the first time, advertisers can collect and store campaign performance data directly on their servers. No more data loss, discrepancies, and theft. You know where your data is stored and you have 100% ownership.

Direct supply path
to premium publishers

The Novum Marketplace meets premium publishers with reputable brands.

A direct advertiser-to-publisher supply path for real-time bidding auctions and programmatic direct deals. A more controlled, brand-safe environment with 25x lower ad tech tax.

Real-time reporting
and immediate control

Campaigns launch in under three minutes. Reports update in under five seconds. Optimisations apply instantly.

From quick performance overview to click-level data and granular reports broken down by URLs, locations, browsers, devices, and ten other parameters.

Robust ad fraud prevention

Find out how much and what kind of invalid traffic you save on with Novum Ad Fraud Prevention. Invalid traffic includes clicks and impressions that may artificially inflate your cost.

Novum proactively removes bot traffic, traffic originating from suspicious hardware, duplicated clicks, and many other potential ad fraud attack vectors. You will not be charged for invalid traffic since it brings no value.

Built-in heatmaps

Colour-coded visualisations of click coordinates depict how people interact with your ads and provide key insights into ad design performance and traffic quality.

You can parse through large data sets to quickly visualise certain traits. Analyse click-level data by URL, publisher, device type, and other parameters to make more informed optimisations.
Discover more
Novum platform reporting Novum Public Marketplace Novum real-time reporting and control Novum built-in heatmaps Novum built-in heatmaps green monitor image green monitor image

For publishers

Novum platform reporting Novum fast loading time Novum transparency Novum transparency blue monitor image blue monitor image

25x reduction in ad tech tax

A direct publisher-to-advertiser supply path eliminates the complexity and replaces the 70% ad tech tax with a transparent 6% commission for publishers.

While our protection against ad blockers allows publishers to regain previously lost revenues, new ad formats boost engagement and drive more value across both RTB campaigns and direct deals.

30x faster ad loading time

Novum ads load in under 120 ms. Why does this matter? Sites that load faster earn up to 2x more, have 25% higher viewability, and 20% longer sessions.

53% of people abandon pages that take longer than 3 seconds to load. So every second of added delay not only undermines the user experience but can dramatically impact your bottom line.

Radical transparency

For the first time, publishers and advertisers can directly compare daily records of impressions, clicks and costs, and completely eliminate end-of-month disputes. The system automatically safeguards from discrepancies above a set threshold.

Explore real-time click-level data and granular reports by advertisers, locations, devices, and nine other parameters. All in a single easy-to-use UI.

Contextual analysis
driving higher revenue

Content is king. To ensure that publishers have the revenue to fund the creation of premium content, Novum runs advanced contextual analysis of pages.

This enables advertisers to set bid multipliers for contextually relevant content, driving more publisher revenue.
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Cutting out
the middlemen

What if you could invest those 70% in something other than middlemen?

Explore the Novum Public Marketplace to bring automation, scale, and targeting to your direct deals. Or get started with Novum RTB and launch your real-time bidding campaigns without worrying about ad fraud ever again.

The world's first trustless protocol
for digital advertising

What do we mean by trustless? Advertisers have full control over their targeting and data analysis. No need to trust or share data with any third-party technology vendor. Not even Novum.

How do we make this possible? By storing key components on a blockchain and using a unique combination of cryptography and distributed databases.

What is recorded on the blockchain?


What is recorded on the blockchain?

Contextual targeting

We target context, not individuals. Novum relies on contextual intelligence to deliver relevant messaging across the open internet.

Our technology reads contextual signals in the content and URLs of webpages to detect new audience opportunities. Advertisers can go beyond simply targeting keywords. They can now fine-tune their reach by using hyper-contextual targeting to focus on specific URLs or groups of URLs that hold specific relevance. Bid multipliers can channel resources according to the level of relevance.

Read about us in the media.
Join us at events.

world economic forum 2023 image

Meet Adriana and Martin, two of our co-founders, at the World Economic Forum 2023 in Davos.

Davos, 19 January 2023
cvvc top 50 report image

Novum featured as a Challenger in the CV VC Top 50 Report published in collaboration with Bank Frick. Read the report here.

16 January 2023
dmt 2022 image

DMT 2022: It's all about trust. Novum COO talks about rebuilding trust between brands and people and brands and ad tech.

Frankfurt, 2-3 November 2022
marketing tech summit 2022 image

Marketing Tech Summit 2022: Co-founder Adriana Taseva talks about blockchain applications in advertising.

Hamburg, 14 September 2022
marketing tech monitor 2022 image

Marketing Tech Monitor 2022: Domino's Pizza achieves 92% lift in engagement with Novum. Download the report.

June 2022
2022 collision conference image

Novum at 2022 Collision Conference in Toronto, the largest global event in Toronto. Read coverage in Martech Series.

Toronto, 20-23 June 2022
mco mediatech festival 2022 image

Novum wins pitch competition at MCO MediaTech Festival 2022 hosted by Future Media Hubs.
See short interview with Novum COO.

Odense, 1-2 June 2022
european parliament image

CEO Martin Stoev speaks with the European Parliament on the future of advertising and protecting consumer privacy. Watch recording.

19 April 2022
mediamotoreurope image

Novum changing the media landscape with MediaMotorEurope, a Horizon 2020 project nurturing deep tech solutions in the media space.

7 April 2022
cmo community meeting image

CMO Community Meeting: Co-founder Adriana Taseva speaks about “Evolution vs Revolution in Digital Advertising.”

Berlin, 23 March 2022
metaverse image

CEO Martin Stoev speaks at Metaverse exploring how technology can disrupt and enhance the future of “presence”. Watch the panel discussion.

27 January 2022
german blockchain award 2021 image

Novum wins the German Blockchain Award 2021 as the best Series A blockchain startup in Germany. Learn more.

8 December 2021
What is Novum

What is Novum? Creating advertising that sells products to people without turning people into products. Watch the video.

1 February 2021
reinventing advertising industry image

COO Adriana Taseva on reinventing the advertising industry. Read the story.

23 September 2019
The story of Novum

The story of Novum with co-founders Martin Stoev and Adriana Taseva. Watch the video.

28 June 2019

Advertising doesn't have to be

Imagine a world without online surveillance. A world where advertising sells products to people without turning people into products.
Now, let's build it.

Join Novum now